
BSPN Educational Scholarship

  • Only possible for paediatric neurologists-in-training with an official internship plan in paediatric neurology in Belgium.

  • A grant amounts to a maximum of EUR 2000 for the totality of the 2 training years + the first year as a recognized paediatric neurologist (EUR 2000/3 years).

  • The applicant must be(come) an associate member of the BSPN.

  • The application must be submitted to the BSPN secretary the latest 6 months after the event took place, with a short description of the course in question, proof of enrolment plus proof of payment, and an attestation on behalf of his/her internship master (proof of training in Belgium). The application will be dealt with at the next bureau meeting.

  • The scholarship can only be applied for the amount of the registration fee (i.e. not for travel and accommodation costs; exceptionally also the accommodation fee if this fee is integrated with the registration fee in 1 package/price).

  • The fellow is asked to do a presentation (free communication) at a BSPN symposium.

  • A fellowship application for the full amount submitted during the year following the fellowship (3rd year) will only be approved if the applicant has already done 2 presentations at a BSPN symposium before, and effectively becomes a member of the BSPN.

Grant for BSPN Fellowship Abroad

Will follow soon.


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